Estació Ciutat worked as a space of civic action for the environmental improvement of Barcelona within the framework of the exhibition After the End of the World (CCCB). This collective space for science was conceived both as a physical and digital space, where citizens, schools, scientific centers and other organizations could apply, through activities and workshops, a series of recipes to respond as a community to some of the big challenges outlined by COP21 regarding cities.

A digital tool-box for civic action
Domestic Data Streamers curated and executed the digital platform of Estació Ciutat. Through it, citizens could understand in the blink of an eye, thanks to visual data storytelling, what are the main challenges cities are facing at a global scale, as these keep growing and are the main sources of CO2 worldwide emissions.

But what really made this website a platform to share knowledge for the environmental wellbeing of the city, was an open-source archive of recipes and hacks (with a list of materials and how-to steps) for anyone to make and share results. This archive served as a tool-box for people to understand that each of us can be an agent of change, and start putting it into practice. Some examples of the recipes featured are a system of hanging containers and natural filters to reuse domestic gray waters, or solar cells made of products we can buy in the supermarket to light up a diode LED.

Estació Ciutat Digital Platform
Who should have more influence over urban change?
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