The future belongs to the children of today, and so we must understand that the climate crisis is in fact a children's rights crisis. We partnered up with Unicef East Asia and Pacific to create a campaign that would enable young people to become advocates for their climate rights.
We created ‘Geo’, a chatbot with a wealth of knowledge on all things climate change and children’s rights. Young people could converse with Geo to learn and express freely about their climate concerns, while discovering hands-on ways to make a change in their local region.

Not only did the bot act as a resource for young people to learn about their climate rights, but it also asked them relevant questions to gather insights on environmental issues. These were later published through Unicef EAP’s channel as results, and will be used in the future to understand what kind of tools could best serve the needs of young people.
Questions included: How can adults help you deal with the climate crisis? How could your climate rights be better defended? How can we address the climate crisis?

Meanwhile, a social media campaign that included data visualisations of the most pressing regional climate issues was published for young people to share online.
In offering an alternative to familiar narratives on climate change, we hope to open more eyes to the real possibility of what can be achieved through direct action and staying informed at a local level.
Can social media help us to build a better future?
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