Agency work
(8 projects)

We produced an exhibition onboard the Open Arms rescue boat to challenge myths and assumptions around the migrant experience.
All Non-profit projects
Redesigning UNICEF's transparency portal to help them share data on where they spend their resources in a more human and engaging way.
UNICEFRedesigning UNICEF's transparency portal to help them share data on where they spend their resources in a more human and engaging way.
Through the Sustainable Development Goals, the world committed to ending child marriage by 2030. Yet, few countries are on track to achieve this. Experience shows that putting good quality data in the right hands can make a real difference: informing policy, guiding programming and mobilising resources to give girls a brighter future. We created the Child Marriage Data Portal with UNICEF to do just that.
UNICEFThrough the Sustainable Development Goals, the world committed to ending child marriage by 2030. Yet, few countries are on track to achieve this. Experience shows that putting good quality data in the right hands can make a real difference: informing policy, guiding programming and mobilising resources to give girls a brighter future. We created the Child Marriage Data Portal with UNICEF to do just that.
The Sea, The Widest Border
Departament d'igualtat i Feminismes - Generalitat de CatalunyaWe produced an exhibition onboard the Open Arms rescue boat to challenge myths and assumptions around the migrant experience.
The Sea, The Widest Border
Departament d'igualtat i Feminismes - Generalitat de CatalunyaWe produced an exhibition onboard the Open Arms rescue boat to challenge myths and assumptions around the migrant experience.
A look at the ways in which the internet could be improved as a resource through developing aspects such as safety, equality and accessibility. We put together a renewed manifesto that imagines an internet designed for all.
UNICEFA look at the ways in which the internet could be improved as a resource through developing aspects such as safety, equality and accessibility. We put together a renewed manifesto that imagines an internet designed for all.
What kind of a future are the young children of today entitled to? We teamed up with Unicef EAP to create a digital campaign that would better inform young people of their climate rights and what can be done to better protect them.
UNICEFWhat kind of a future are the young children of today entitled to? We teamed up with Unicef EAP to create a digital campaign that would better inform young people of their climate rights and what can be done to better protect them.
Everything that is not eaten
Fundació Bancs dels Aliments and Palau RobertGlobally we currently throw away one third of the food that we prepare, but it's difficult to imagine what the impact of that huge figure might look like beyond our little kitchen at home. Through data interactions this exhibition generated an understanding of how our lazy domestic food habits, and our relationship with food in general is set to be transformed in the near future.
Everything that is not eaten
Fundació Bancs dels Aliments and Palau RobertGlobally we currently throw away one third of the food that we prepare, but it's difficult to imagine what the impact of that huge figure might look like beyond our little kitchen at home. Through data interactions this exhibition generated an understanding of how our lazy domestic food habits, and our relationship with food in general is set to be transformed in the near future.
- Fundació Arrels
An installation to honour the homeless people of Barcelona who passed away in 2020.
Fundació ArrelsAn installation to honour the homeless people of Barcelona who passed away in 2020.
- Oxfam Intermón
A digital experience to calculate your level of privilege in society and learn about Oxfam Intermon’s first inequality report.
Oxfam IntermónA digital experience to calculate your level of privilege in society and learn about Oxfam Intermon’s first inequality report.